EYN#012 - Make the Complex Simple - The "Why and So What" Method

technical storytelling Nov 28, 2023

Articulating why a tech solution is valuable can be really hard.  Things that seem so obvious to you, are not so obvious to other people.  This is particularly true when they're an expert in a different field. 


So often, people fail to get to the plain English value of a solution, which means they don't get the sponsorship they need to get stuff done.


To solve this, I've often used the "Why" and "So What" method.  It's a slight variation of the 5 Why's method if you've ever come across it.


The idea is to recursively ask yourself "Why" and "So What" on a proposed solution until you've got to the plain English way to articulate the value.  Let's walk through an example, that starts at a very tech oriented position.


"We need to change the Scale Out threshold to 7"




"Because at the moment it's set to 5 which is too low"



"Each node is getting overloaded and performance is reduced"


So What


"User experience is degrading"


So What


"Customers are abandoning their shopping baskets because the website is so slow"


So What


"We're losing revenue."




So now an impactful way to say that in plain English is:


Headline: We need to make a configuration change because we’re losing revenue.

Detail: We need to change the Scale Out Threshold from 5 to 7 to increase the performance of the website.  This will reduce the number of abandoned shopping baskets and increase revenue.


If you can put some numbers on that even better. For example:

How much revenue?

How many shopping baskets are being abandoned?


Headline: We need to make a configuration change because we’re losing £10000 in revenue every month

Detail: We need to change the Scale Out Threshold from 5 to 7 to increase the performance of the website.  This will reduce the number of abandoned shopping baskets from 440 to 50 and increase revenue.


Use the "Why and So What" method and make the complex simple.


Hope this helps





Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:


  • Podcast:  Insightful guests sharing tips and stories on how to thrive in the tech world.  Also on Spotify, Apple and Google Podcasts.
  • Technical Storytelling Essentials: Accelerate your career, increase your impact and influence people. Affordably priced, world-class course digital course for individuals.
  • Technical Storytelling for Organisations: Programs designed to increase the impact of your team. Inspire, develop and motivate your team to influence key stakeholders and generate action with your customers.